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You brought up a really good point in your post. I struggle with defending my faith every day at work, but do not argue with others, as it will drive them further from Christianity.

I work with a few team members who have made "different life choices" that I have to sit and listen to every day, and react with bobble head feign interest.

Yet, if I bring up a point about church, the Bible, Jesus, or God, they walk away and say they are not interested in my beliefs.

It's kind of one sided, but I have to keep an open mind while others do not. Presenting it wrong will drive them further from a relationship with God. Sometimes presenting it AT ALL is not "respecting someone's diversity". When will it be okay to respect our beliefs?

Reacting defensively and forcefully will drive away any chance of witnessing to coworkers. It takes patience and grace. Something we lack, but God never does.

Dawn Nicole Baldwin

Great point.. Thanks, Steve.

Steve Hullfish

Great post. Unfortunately, this is often the case with Christians. While we are called on to act strongly in our beliefs, we are also called on to be the light that guides people to the cross.

I recently started trying to simplify my faith... At its most basic, it is: "You are either seeking Him or turning away from Him." The same can be said of our evangelical chances: "You are either bringing people TO him or leading them away." The goal is to lead people to Him. While we can't shy away from the core principles of our faith in order to bring people to Him, we must also interact with people in a way that lovingly demonstrates the Face of God. I just read a verse (Genesis or Exodus) that the true meaning of religion is caring for the orphans and the widows. I think what this means is that in the end, religion is supposed to reflect the love of God.

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