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Pandora Charm Beads

That was my thought,too.


Happy New Year! Happiness and success in 2011.

Patty Portnoy

You can see the fear in his face1 I just don't understand how a mother can do that to her own son. So don't bake him a cake give him a bed!

Chris Megison

Our country does not need more "rescuers" of the homeless or programs that manage the symptoms of homelessness. Drive-by volunteerism, senseless acts of mercy that throw Band-Aids on gaping wounds might make the giver feel better but do nothing to solve the real problem. This type of enabling behavior is in fact what keeps the thousands of "Sergei's" stuck.

Effective intervention and engagement strategies that reach people like Sergei, craft a partnership with him and then execute goals to SOLVE the root causative factors is what he needs and what we need as a people.

The video serves as a wonderful way to move people into action...let’s hope that invisiblepeople.tv gets it that raising awareness is only half of the equation. The other half is that the awareness they raise results in actions that SOLVE the problem and not more of the same containing of the problem.

Daniel Decker

I felt the same. It's not right. Our world is truly backwards in a lot of ways. I've become secure in the knowing that while I can't change it all myself, I can make a difference around me, where God has planted me. If each of us does our part and inspires others to do the same, we'll be the change but we must make the choice to GO and DO. Mark's quote was right on.


It is just the beginning If the money makers don't reinvest soon enough.

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